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The Sofia Sales Page

Elegant | Sophisticated | Strategic

So you're ready to launch your new offer... are you ready to leave a lasting impression?

You've done the hard work of building your audience AND putting together the perfect offer; sit back, relax and let this gorgeous sales page seal the deal.

This fully customizable template can be a standalone sales page or, if you already purchased one of our website templates, it can seamlessly integrate to expand your marketing machine. This sales page doesn't just look good, it is designed with sales strategy at it's core. At every section you will find prompts to take your audience on a journey and showcase how truly amazing and unique your offer is.

If you're a service-based entrepreneur who is looking to launch a new group program, online course or membership, this template is for you. Take the guesswork out of a good sales page and focus on building the business of your dreams. Get all the benefit of working with a professional sales funnel builder, without paying top dollar for the service. The template is quick and simple to use (code-free and drag-and-drop) so you'll be up and running in no time. All templates come with a Getting Started guide and a template-specific video tutorial to run through how to customize with your own copy, images and branding.

$200 usd

This template is built on Weeknight Website (our favorite WordPress-based platform!) so looking after your website will be a breeze. Weeknight Website is a WordPress-based platform with premium plugins, hosting, maintenance and an amazing live support team all rolled into one. Plus they have a whole range of tutorial videos if you get the DIY bug and want to try even more customization.

*This template is only compatible with Weeknight Website. If you already have a Weeknight Website, this page can be added to your existing site. If you do not have an existing WW site, you will need to purchase a Weeknight Website subscription separately, as well as a domain name. Instructions on how to purchase these can be found in the Getting Started Guide.*